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DAVE MCCARGAR DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER SUPPORT SKUID We respond to different channels champions, to make sure that end “Omni-channel is with different resources at Skuid. users are getting a high level of very different For example, we have employed response. Through those different brand monitoring tools in a process ways, we’re able to capture customer between companies.” for channeling questions, concerns, communications, and we’re able and requests in a timely manner. to make some of those critical GADI SHAMIA We have a structured way to conversations available to others monitor them, and a service-level at Skuid who need to know goal for leaders in respective groups what’s going on with a that need to respond to questions particular customer. or concerns. We’ve got a process for governing our community conversations, so the technical support team shares responsibility for addressing customer questions and concerns. We also invest time reviewing and interacting with community conversations, as well as community 14

12 Experts On Elevating The Customer Experience - Page 14 12 Experts On Elevating The Customer Experience Page 13 Page 15