HOW DEPARTMENTS CAN WORK TOGETHER RAHUL SHIRGOPIKAR HEAD OF PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Customer service is everyone’s job. When service, sales, marketing, AND CUSTOMER SUCCESS SMS-MAGIC and the back office all communicate and have a full view of the customer, everyone benefits. Here are some of the ways that can We benefit when product company — has published their work, according to our experts. management and customer service toll-free number on their product. come together. The customer Whenever farmers have any service executives have direct questions, they call that toll-free connections with the customers, number and the contact centers and they’re constantly working on help them. After the call, they solving customer issues. We analyze send product information to the those conversations and prioritize customer as a way to proactively what we want to work on next. follow up, and in turn, this helps the One of our customers, United company convert more customers. Phosphorous Limited – a global agricultural manufacturing product 8

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