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HENRY EVANS MIKE DUENSING AMBER BOAZ VP OF CHANNEL SALES, PHONEBURNER CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER, SKUID SALESFORCE MVP We’re seeing more people getting comfortable We’ve all seen artificial intelligence emerge quite rapidly. I TRAILBLAZER COMMUNITY > with doing everything in the cloud. I met with a still believe it is an emerging area, and there’s a long runway TWITTER> customer who offers a completely outsourced ahead. Salesforce and others are leveraging AI to provide Amber is a runner, volunteer, and technology solution to small businesses in a couple more value in their product offerings. AI is not a trivial Salesforce MVP. She holds numerous of niches. They don’t have to have a server. They investment, as we all know. It’s very significant. Salesforce certifications, including don’t even have to install any software on their Certified Service Cloud Consultant. computer. It’s all virtualized. Amber has deep knowledge of the contact center industry and experience administering and BOB DeSANTIS configuring Salesforce. COO, CONGA ERIK SEVERINGHAUS One of the biggest trends we’re seeing is around customer CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER, SPRINGCM experience. Customer experience makes work easier and It’s further off on the horizon in terms of business more intuitive. If we can provide both intelligence and cases, but the hype is building quickly for a better experience in our products, we can have a real Listen to Amber’s interview with blockchain. The immutable distributed ledger, and positive impact on our customer base. Bob DeSantis from Conga to learn more about how the some of the use cases that it involves – particularly company thinks about innovation. in the Salesforce ecosystem, which is focused on TAKEAWAY documents and contracts – is going to be really, Artificial intelligence capabilities are rapidly really interesting. expanding and the technology is improving daily. 8

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