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ERIK SEVERINGHAUS VINCENT CABRAL BOB DeSANTIS CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER, SPRINGCM VP PRODUCT, NINTEX COO, CONGA I think fundamentally, the improvement of UX AI will soon help people to make better, more We’re very focused on contract lifecycle management, and voice-based user experience is going to informed decisions. Right now, data is collected, or CLM. And right now our VP of product says we’re continue to be transformational, improving the monitored, and analyzed. The next wave of approaching the fourth wave of innovation. That’s way that we can connect with these machines innovation will be optimizing processes to be more being driven by AI, and a renewed awareness of that do all of this work. We still haven’t necessarily efficient and predicting the next step in the process. the value of contracts and contract assets as part of crossed that threshold where it’s more efficient to running a business, especially a sales business. use voice-based or user experiences other than the typical mouse and keyboard, but I think the Listen to our interview with Henry Evans days of the mouse and keyboard are numbered. TAKEAWAY to learn more about PhoneBurner and I think that number is starting to come in terms Continue to be a forward thinker. how the company innovates. of months, not years. Get there before your customers do. 19

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