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BOB DeSANTIS VINCENT CABRAL PHIL WEINMEISTER COO, CONGA VP PRODUCT, NINTEX SALESFORCE MVP Everyone at Conga is empowered to drive It is a global effort to push for innovation. We have development TRAILBLAZER COMMUNITY > innovation. In fact, adaptability is one of the teams working around the clock in Melbourne, Australia; Kuala TWITTER> foundations that Conga is built upon. We encourage Lumpur, Malaysia; Bellevue, Washington; and Irvine, California. Salesforce MVP, holder of 18 all of our employees to succeed by humbly Each team collaborates with each other and filters through the certifications, and author of Practical challenging the status quo. We embrace our roles as product managers. As a VP, it is part of my role to guide them Salesforce Development Without change agents and our responsibility to continually with the big picture in mind, upcoming trends, and features that Code, Phil is focused on engaging raise the bar on our products, services, and will benefit our customers. customers by combining community, ourselves. While our entire team drives innovation, context, and collaboration. our senior leadership team owns continuous innovation. In particular, a core group of executives, including our VP of product, VP of engineering, VP of development, and VP of strategy, work as a group MIKE DUENSING to track emerging trends and to identify those that CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER, SKUID Listen to Phil’s interview with might make sense for our customers. We don’t have one person who’s in charge of innovation. Erik Severinghaus to learn We are all in charge of innovation. One of the things that we do: about innovation at SpringCM. We give our engineers a great deal of leeway in allowing them TAKEAWAY to experiment and try new things. We meet weekly and discuss Collaboration and teamwork new ways we could be approaching problems. That motivates our engineering and product teams, because they feel like they across your organization are the keys have the freedom to try new things. Some of the capabilities to staying innovative. that have come out of these kinds of sessions are amazing. 14

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