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CONQUERING CHALLENGES What challenges do Steve Wood, Dell Boomi you see customers The main challenge integration addresses for customers facing when it comes is disparity. Disparity of data sources, disparity of to integration? information, disparity of efficiencies. Integration is the connective tissue that automates business processes and thus eradicates disparity. Andrew Leigh, Jitterbit The biggest challenge that people have with integration is actually succeeding with the integration, particularly in regards to how fast you can get the integration up and running. Integration has been with us from the very beginning of information technology. The fact is, every technology, every application – even if it has an API – communicates with different protocols, with different standards, in different languages, and getting those applications to communicate with each other is challenging. 7

4 Experts Answer Top Of Mind Integration Questions - Page 7 4 Experts Answer Top Of Mind Integration Questions Page 6 Page 8