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How FinancialForce Accounting Helped: With FinancialForce, Windward is extracting data in different ways. “I can’t remember the “ FinancialForce Accounting has been a game changer for us, and last time we actually created an Excel spreadsheet, which is good I’m really excited to see where it can take us. We now have access because we have a ‘no Excel’ mantra right now,” McDermott said. to all of this data, and we need to figure out what to do with it. Windward has also taken advantage of the integration with the We’re just at the start of this, and it’s really interesting.” Salesforce1 Mobile App, which allows staff to approve timesheets, – SEAN MCDERMOTT invoices, purchases, and orders, right from the app. Accounting is WINDWARD CONSULTING GROUP PRESIDENT AND CEO no longer a bottleneck for the company. Reports are automatically generated, and project managers and account teams can run their own reports and dashboards. The Results: Saved $100,000+ by avoiding overhaul of existing accounting system Eliminated Excel spreadsheets and pivot tables for 40-50 projects per week Got instant access to comprehensive data not available before Gained insight into aspects of the business that needed improvement FIND OUT MORE ABOUT FINANCIALFORCE ACCOUNTING > 11

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