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How Accounting Seed Helped: Accounting Seed enabled CQ Infused Beverages to create a trigger when new subscriptions are “ Accounting Seed pretty much runs our entire business. signed to ship product at given intervals. In turn, that allows the It brings our whole business together and everybody on company to run projections on how much of a given product it will the same page. I love it.” need based on the contracts it signed over a given time period. – MATTHEW FARRUGGIO Additionally, CQ Infused Beverages can now send bills to multiple PRESIDENT OF CALIFORNIA QUIVERS VP OF CQ INFUSED BEVERAGES people within an organization rather than sending them through the mail, and keep sending to more contacts if customers are overdue on payments. Integration with Salesforce Marketing Cloud also enables invoices to trigger SMS, email, or tasks to move customers along their journey. The Results: Saved enough money to have Accounting Seed pay for itself by eliminating legacy software credit card processing fees Saved money by limiting accounting headcount by at least two employees Allowed CQ Infused Beverages to accurately project inventory based on orders Provided a single source of truth for the entire team – everyone is now on the same page FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ACCOUNTING SEED > 13

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