Can you spot the differences? Appy and her friends are enjoying a warm Summer day. But something’s a bit different about today. Appy and her friends are enjoying a warm summer day. But something happened. Nine things changed between the top and bottom images. Can you find them all? The answers are below. There are 9 things that have changed between the top and bottom images. Can you find them all? .rellasms i eert heT 9. .deppifl eras orolc oonllaB 8. .onitcerid etosipop het ni gnookils i ezalB 7. .gnivaws i yeodC 6. .rellam ss iee treh T. 9.deppi fler arsolo cnooll Ba. 8.noticeri detisopp on ignikoo ls ieza Bl. 7.gnvia wsy iedo C.r 6olot cnereffi der asevol gs’otrs A. 5 .orolc tnereffid a eras evolgs ’orstA 5. .egami omttob het ni gnkinwis io rstA 4. .orolc tnereffid as i frascs ’yppA 3. egam imott bon ignikni ws iotrs A. 4.rolot cnereffi dsf irac ss’yp Ap. 3.rewo fl agniss mst iequu bos’yp Ap. 2daer he hn oseptri so twgnissi msy ip Ap.1 .rewofl a gnssiims i tueouqbs ’yppA 2. .dahe rhe ons epirsto wt gnssiims i yppA 1. s:reswnA AT HOME WITH APPY 2