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What you can try: Factor in all time zones of attendees before scheduling your meetings, and make sure you have recurring meeting times scheduled for your org, direct reports, and stakeholders. Trust your team to manage without you. It gives them leadership opportunities to expand their experience. COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE Make sure everyone feels informed, productive, and connected by creating ways to engage and communicate. Open up lines of communication and remove impediments so your team can execute. A culture of virtual communication and engagement is key. We use three Salesforce Chatter groups – one for general Q&A, a leadership group, and a virtual water cooler group. No surprise; the virtual water cooler group is popular because the team shares nonwork-related topics including photos from family trips, volunteer updates, book recommendations, TED Talks and more. What you can try: Ask your team to list the channels they like to use to communicate and, as a team, agree on a purpose for each channel. For example, Chatter for team discussions, meetings for career conversations, email for urgent matters. Then, set the example for your team. SHARE BEST PRACTICES FROM YOUR ECOSYSTEM We value our entire ecosystem of partners for their expertise and experience focused on customer success. CodeScience has been one of our partners supporting AppExchange for over a decade. Here are tips from Brian Walsh, CEO of CodeScience, about management of his mostly remote-based team and how he’s evolving his company in this Tweet. Success or failure managing remote or distributed teams comes down to culture – how your team makes decisions, prioritizes, assesses risks, and interacts with each other when executives aren’t in the room. With a company that is natively remote, your cultures and values need to be aligned in the beginning and continually invested in to scale. Five tips from CodeScience: 1. Define your culture and values to align with the 3 T’s of remote work. Transparency, tools, and trust. We display and reiterate our culture and values at every opportunity. We leverage systems built for remote. Technology and tools have come so far in supporting remote companies and teams. 2. Publicly celebrate success. Our Legend of the Moment (LOTM) program gives our employees the chance to acknowledge and reward those who are doing well in a public forum. Our culture is driven by a carrot, not a stick. 3. Schedule weekly company calls. We bring the team together once a week to connect and align on our priorities, wins, and opportunities. 4. Video on is a must. We work with video on as body cues and facial expressions enhance communication. Plus it’s the best way to engage when you’re not in the same room. 5. Mobile-enable your ceremonies. Meet your employees where they are. For those team members who cannot be at their desk when a ceremony is happening, give them the chance to have their voices heard through their mobile device. To learn more about keeping your teams engaged and informed and other tips for navigating your business in uncertain times, visit our Partner Community page for the latest information. Together, we can learn and grow as we all make adjustments to the new realities of operating a business in today’s uncertainty. 3

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