Become an AppExchange Partner

This 1-pager outlines the 6 key milestones of your AppExchange ISV partnership journey.

AppExchange Partner Program Milestone 6 Grow Your Business for the Future Publicly List on AppExchange Learn how to create a winning The AppExchange Partner Program enables ISVs, entrepreneurs, tech, and business leaders app listing that drives demand to build integrated apps quickly, accelerate their business growth, and deliver customer and installs success in the Salesforce Ecosystem. With 86% of Salesforce customers and 100% of the Fortune 100 using AppExchange apps, the business opportunity has never been greater to become a partner. Refer to the six milestones of your partnership journey. For more details, Milestone 5 check out the ISV Onboarding Guide. Complete Development and Pass Security Review Milestone 1 Milestone 2 • This is our internal review to Join the Salesforce Partner Submit your Business Plan ensure every AppExchange app Community meets our highest standards Complete the Due Diligence & • Learn how to prepare by • Discover partner resources Compliance Certification reviewing these steps and manage your app business Documentation • Begin development of your AppExchange app Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Receive Compliance Approval Execute Partnership Agreement This is our internal review to • Align on the appropriate Salesforce ensure every partnership meets commercial arrangement based on Salesforce’s legal and ethical eligibility — either a standard revenue requirements share model or a fee structure based on anticipated customer volume • Sign contract

Become an AppExchange Partner - Page 1 Become an AppExchange Partner