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The Scenario Conga Composer solves Andy’s challenges by helping him to: In this example, let’s imagine how a financial advisor uses Conga Composer to send consistent and personalized Save time. documents that elevate his company’s Conga Composer has helped Andy reduce the time it brand and delight his customers. takes him to develop financial action plans from one hour to 30 seconds. Improve customer communications. Andy can now send financial action plans more frequently — from twice annually to once every eight weeks (or as needed or wanted by the client). Andy Increase productivity. With Conga Composer, Andy has eliminated up to Financial Advisor 20 hours per week of manual data entry for the financial advisor team. Developing financial action Eliminate errors. plans involving lots of manual Conga Composer has helped Andy improve data accuracy processes consumes most of and quality in the documents he sends. Andy’s day. He needs to His Goals: His Challenges: streamline so he can spend • Save time developing • Time-consuming manual more time strategizing for his financial action plans processes clients and developing • Send out financial plans • Manual tasks introduce relationships with new clients. more frequently opportunities for human error • Improve data accuracy • He is only able to send financial • Free up time to build action plans out twice a year Learn more about Conga Composer relationships with new clients • He doesn’t have enough time to meet with new clients

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