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Fielo is loyalty and incentive automation made simple. Our Salesforce-native Loyalty ICIX delivers value chain transparency through the automation of data collection, and Incentives Clouds allow organisations of all sizes to modernise their programs collaboration with partners, and data analysis for risk, compliance, and ESG programs and bring the flexibility, power and cost advantages of digital to their critical loyalty to enhance stakeholder engagement for any business. This offers solutions for and incentive programs. Leading Salesforce customers rely on Fielo to create and sourcing, supply chain, sustainability / corporate social responsibility, finance / manage their channel incentives, customer loyalty, and employee incentives program. investor relations, and marketing / communications. Find out more > Find out more > Opti-Time for Salesforce is a Geoconcept field sales management application. Many enterprise businesses struggle to serve consumers effectively across multiple 100% integrated within the Sales Cloud environment, our engine has a reputation communication channels due to IT challenges. Our CPaaS platform, IMIconnect, for efficiency and performance thanks to its high degree of integration, its ability integrates with existing business systems to orchestrate customer communication to take into account numerous business constraints and to handle large volumes journeys across 10+ communication channels in a low-code, serverless environment. of data in record time. Our solution enables salespeople to access a powerful We enable businesses to deliver seamless end-to-end customer experiences whilst geo-optimisation platform: balancing portfolio, route optimisation and geo-planning reducing costs and improving efficiencies through automation. of sales appointments. Find out more > Find out more > EMEA ISV Industry Booklet – Consumer Packaged Goods

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