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Introduction If there’s one thing to be learned from the last 45 years in Of course, not all startups survive — so what are those companies technology, it’s that innovation can happen anywhere. Garages, who are seeing success doing differently? While there’s no secret one-bedroom apartments, and college dorm rooms were the sauce or standard playbook, there are powerful ingredients and starting places for some of the greatest tech entrepreneur success insights from entrepreneurs in the Salesforce ecosystem that can stories so far. The belief that an idea, along with passion and help startups accelerate their success. perseverance, can define and shape the future fuels new and returning entrepreneurs to create startups every day. “The biggest challenge — and I believe is the The impact startups have on the economy and tech landscape are biggest challenge for anyone — is persistence and undeniable. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, startups created resilience. You have to be ready for rejection, but 1 also ready to focus those negatives into better over 2 million jobs in the U.S. alone in 2015, and recent years have seen investment in startup ecosystems outside of Silicon Valley performance, strategy, and lessons learned.” thanks to lower costs, desire to differentiate, and growing pools of talent. Anthony Diaz, CEO & Founder, Health Hero 1 HHoow iw it St Sttaarrttss: F: Fiinnddiinng Sg Suucceccesss is in tn thhe Ee Eccoossyysstteem am as a Ss a Sttaarrttuupp 33

Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup - Page 3 Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup Page 2 Page 4