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Today, consumers expect to have a seamless order and delivery experience. Many companies struggle with proving and optimising the business value of their However, retailers try to manage customer journeys across disjointed legacy business, marketing. Replacing manual processes is a prerequisite for effective marketing partner and delivery systems. Our solution enables retailers to deliver an end-to-end management. Proof/Musqot Marketing Optimisation Platform includes planner, omnichannel customer communications and cross-sell strategy across digital and finance and analytics consisting of automated marketing-mix-modeling. With it you mobile channels to improve the consumer experience. get full control of marketing planning, marketing finance, and instant insights on which marketing activities drive revenue, margins and cash flow. Find out more > Find out more > Rewards or loyalty programs influence consumers’ shopping experience. Built natively on Salesforce, we enable brands to connect, inspire and nurture Consumers want more than points and discounts: they expect contextualisation customers wherever they are. Schedule appointments, connect through email, and individualised experience that makes them feel unique. Maxxengine combines messaging and video chat, share recommendations, and offer seamless checkout to promotion and loyalty, connected to all sales channels in real time. Transactions, give customers personalised experiences that increase sales and loyalty. In this new social interactions, and customer behaviour are all at a marketing manager’s fingertips era of retail, personal really is powerful. to create commitment, retention and acquisition of new customers. Find out more > Find out more > EMEA ISV Industry Booklet – Retail

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