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Solve It Stories - Accounting Seed ft Downtown Streets Team

Tales of Customer Success from Our Partner: How Accounting Seed helped Downtown Streets Team, Inc. save $20,000 by bringing accounting operations in-house. The Challenge: Downtown Streets Team is a nonprofit organization that combats homelessness in California by addressing people’s barriers to employment and housing. Its ability to secure government funding and donations depends on having timely and accurate financial reports. Limited visibility due to outsourcing, disparate systems, and a lack of technology support was putting its mission at risk. The Opportunity: What used to take Organizations often need to centralize their accounting operations in order to ensure financial two days using Excel stability and growth. takes two hours in Accounting Seed for How do they ... bank reconciliations. • See if they are over or under budget in real time? Now my team can • Trust that their financial information is reliable? focus on staying on • Move away from error-prone and top of our expenses. time-consuming manual processes? Marina Peterson CFO In the case of Downtown Streets Team, it needed visibility into its accounting operations in order to scale its program and use its resources more efficiently.

Tales of Customer Success from Our Partner: The Successful Outcome: Downtown Streets Team now has the accounting data it needs in a timely manner. By moving to Accounting Seed, it gained instant visibility into expenses with automated reports, increased transparency and trust with improved data accuracy, and saved countless hours of its team’s time every month through automated reconciliation. This has resulted in: Uncovering % 110% 96 $ improvement decrease in bank 100K reconciliation time in unbilled expenses. in data accuracy. from 2 days to 2 hours. Considerations for nonprofit organizations looking to centralize their accounting operations. • The right technology partner is a “must-have” for operations to run smoothly and secure regular funding. • Data is more manipulable now than it was in the past. Look at your old chart of accounts from a data governance lens. This will improve your analytics and reporting. • Taking time to find a better accounting solution will improve your financial operations, increase employee satisfaction, and build confidence with stakeholders. Learn more about Accounting Seed on AppExchange.