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SOLVE IT STORIES TALES OF CUSTOMER SUCCESS FROM OUR PARTNERS THE SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME NetPlus Alliance now uses Accounting Seed’s native, fully automated connection to Salesforce to view and leverage data to make real-time decisions. By using the full suite of accounting functions right in Salesforce, this data is automatically pulled into custom dashboards and reports that relate financial information to engagement activities and sales results. THIS HAS RESULTED IN ... · A 50% decrease in the amount of time spent by the sales and support teams researching and auditing engagement and financial data Our team has created new efficiencies · A reduction in the monthly financial close process from four by harnessing the power of our data days to one day in Salesforce. This gives us the ability to · A 75% decrease in the monthly financial close process bring this information to life and share · An increase in the number of people who can view the it across our organization, to ensure financial data, which has allowed for increased visibility our members’ long-term growth and cross-departmental collaboration and success. Kerry Atlas CONSIDERATIONS FOR CUSTOMERS TO VP, FINANCE AND OPERATIONS, MAXIMIZE EFFICIENCY, CUT COSTS, NETPLUS ALLIANCE AND EMBRACE PROCESS MANAGEMENT · Find a solution that is on the same platform or can connect in via API. When you have different departments using a variety of systems to run the business, you are bound to have duplicate, inaccurate, and useless data. · Custom financial reports are key. Each business looks at financial data differently and needs to view several different data points in a unique way. Use a custom reporting tool that works for both engagement and financial data, so you can create anything you need, from management reports to customer balance sheets. Learn more about Accounting Seed’s solution for general ledger, project accounting, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) on AppExchange.

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