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Solve It Stories - Billomat GmbH

Learn how Billomat helped their customer VKM automate their accounting processes.

SOLVE IT STORIES TALES OF CUSTOMER SUCCESS FROM OUR PARTNERS How Billomat accounting software helped Verlagskontor für Medieninhalte decrease invoicing mistakes by 95%. THE CHALLENGE Verlagskontor für Medieninhalte (VKM) is a media company that specializes in publishing, print, and digital media based in Hamburg, Germany. VKM is responsible for publishing the second oldest magazine in Hamburg, the Szene Hamburg, which has been a critical part of Hamburg’s media and cultural landscape for the last 45 years. As a media company, VKM needed a solution that provided a simple way to handle its accounting needs. It needed the ability to not only issue and manage digital invoices, but also to create financial reports, track payments and send reminders to clients concerning overdue invoices, and monitor credit notes. We use Billomat because we were looking for a THE OPPORTUNITY compatible integration for Salesforce that has all Businesses often need a cloud-based accounting solution that can support the accounting features their invoicing and payment needs. that we need. HOW DO THEY ... Lars Heitmann PROJECT AND · Manage accounting processes securely and remotely? ADVERTISING · Create and edit invoices directly in Salesforce without MANAGER switching applications? · Track and assess their financial performance? VKM needed a solution that could help it automate its accounting processes. It was able to do this with the support of Billomat accounting software.

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