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Solve It Stories - NimbleAMS

SOLVE IT STORIES SOLVE IT STORIES How Nimble AMS helped Marine Corps Association & Foundation retain 25% more members using artificial intelligence THE CHALLENGE The Marine Corps Association & Foundation (MCA&F) is a member-based organization dedicated to professional development, recognition of excellence, and building awareness of the rich traditions, history, and esprit of the United States Marine Corps. Its members are active duty, retirees, and veteran service members. MCA&F did not have an easy way to get the insights it needed We’re able to process memberships to be responsive and proactive with the right members at the and run reports so much faster with right time. Without understanding its members’ level of Nimble AMS. We also worked with engagement and if they were seeing the value of their membership, the Nimble AMS team to build an MCA&F was struggling with 1,000-plus memberships lapsing AI-driven solution that automatically each month. Staff started making renewal calls to members identifies members at risk of lapsing, prior to their memberships lapsing, but it was very time-consuming and then helps us take quick action and manual for them to identify who they needed to call. to save the memberships. All of this has led to return on our investment THE OPPORTUNITY sooner than we expected. Associations often need a proactive, targeted way to identify JACLYN BAIRD members at high risk of lapse, or nonrenewal. Director of Membership Services, MCA&F HOW DO THEY ... · Easily engage with members online? · Find out if members see the value of their membership before the renewal date? · Identify members at high risk of nonrenewal and take next steps to prevent membership lapsing? In the case of MCA&F, it sought to understand how artificial intelligence (AI) could help engage with members online and proactively address member retention. It was able to do this with the help of Nimble AMS, built on Salesforce.

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