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NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE Adyen SUMMER 2022 The Future 65% of Americans According to Is Bright prefer to shop in a physical store, above Consumers the global average of 59%. Shoppers have high expectations for in-store 76% of American experiences, and technology can help retailers expect to grow by 20% or more improve them. in 2022, which equals a $4.5 trillion opportunity in the U.S. 61% believe that 55% are more likely to retailers should deliver the same cross- shop with retailers that use technology channel flexibility they provided during to improve the shopping experience. the pandemic. It’s All About Data Unified commerce (UC) strategy 61% would be more centralizes the data you’ve collected loyal to a retailer that allows them to buy about customers and products on a things online and return in-store. 2022 Retail single platform. 83% grew more UC merchants saw an increase in than 20% in 2021 (compared to 76% of performance by 9%. Report Highlights their non-UC merchants). Over the past couple of years, the by evolving consumer behaviors and Businesses use retail, hospitality, and food and bev- the possibilities of financial technolo- payments data: erage (F&B) sectors have learned to gy. In Adyen’s 2022 Retail Report, 10,000 expect the unexpected. Our partner merchants from 23 countries de- 28% 27% Adyen publishes a yearly guide to the tailed their fears, hopes, strategies, to understand user behavior and to build a better picture Learn more global and local trends impacting and investments for 2022 and be- improve consumer experience. of consumers. about Adyen on AppExchange. businesses around the world, fueled yond. Here are some highlights > 24% 45% to identify popular product lines of customers like it when and guide product development. retailers serve personalized adverts or suggestions.

The Exchange Summer 2022 - Page 13 The Exchange Summer 2022 Page 12 Page 14