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The Aha Moment SalesTrip’s listing on the AppExchange homepage, and speak at In a past role, Manoj Ganapathy used to manage a large team a number of Salesforce events, including the Partner Keynote at that traveled often. He could never attribute the travel back to Dreamforce 2019. a particular customer, sales opportunity, or even his company’s revenue. Manoj recalls, “Some months we spent $100,000 on Learning From the Journey travel and expenses, and some months we spent $150,000. What helped Manoj during his journey was deciding what Was it because we were going to have an increase in sales, he needed to do now to achieve goals further down the road. or just that the flight costs were more expensive?” Out of the He also learned to always say “yes” first to solving problems frustration of not being able to measure the ROI on travel and and accepting new opportunities, and then learning how to expense, Manoj decided to create a solution that he could use deliver afterword. New challenges and experiences are what himself, and that’s how he started SalesTrip. enable individuals to grow. For example, Manoj recalls that at the beginning of his journey with SalesTrip, he wasn’t a travel The Secret to Scaling industry expert. However, it didn’t hold him back from building Manoj shares, “Building SalesTrip on the Salesforce Platform his business and learning along the way. In fact, he leveraged has given us an enormous boost.” He credits the immediate his beginner’s mindset to think outside the box and bring new access to a range of enterprise-ready technologies and the ideas to market. support of the AppExchange ecosystem to helping SalesTrip go to market faster. When building on Salesforce Platform, Manoj was able to focus on the core technology he was offering to his customers. Never once did he worry about the technology stack, where components sat, or how the system would be delivered to customers. In addition to the robust technology, the marketing opportunities that were readily available as a partner helped SalesTrip scale quickly. Manoj had several opportunities to host webinars with other Salesforce partners, advertise 9

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