employee engagement Bullhorn for Salesforce is a comprehensive recruitment application built on the m|ployee is a solution for the staffing and professional service industry on the force.com platform supporting the sales, recruiting, and operational processes Salesforce platform. You can implement m|ployee as a stand-alone solution or as an within staffing agencies. Used by some of the largest agencies in the world, Bullhorn add-on to one of the Salesforce Clouds. Manage candidates, time, contracts, finance accelerates the adoption and usage of the core Salesforce services including Sales and talent all in one place. One single point of truth and 100% control of time and Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and others. resources. Your flows, your processes, your business. Learn More > Learn More > HR2day is the HR and payroll cloud solution for today and tomorrow. The vision is Sage People provides an end-to-end HR solution on the Salesforce platform. Sage to help organisations optimise their HR and payroll processes by using HR2days — a Intacct is the world’s largest global pure-play financial management provider, with 100% native Salesforce cloud application. HR2day is available for the Dutch market excellent integration into Salesforce. Both products have five-star AppExchange and focuses on 250+ employee organisations. The functional scope covers HR reviews. Sage Intacct and People help finance and HR professionals manage administration, self service, talent management, payroll, leave, sickleave, expenses insights to help their organisations analyse, strategise, and anticipate. They integrate and HR analytics. processes and procedures, delivering strong ROI. Learn More > Learn More > EMEA ISV Industry Booklet — Utilities 15

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