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The Solution Vidyard enables teams to manage and share videos, making it easier to communicate effectively and convert prospects into clients. Provide valuable insights. Build personal connections. The Challenge: With clients handling The Challenge: Open rates for financial services so much of their own research and emails are at an all-time low. In a market decision-making online, advisors need new traditionally reliant on in-person interactions to ways to provide proactive and ongoing insight, drive new business, making connections with value, and customer service. clients is harder in this virtual-focused world. The Solution: Vidyard lets advisors create and The Solution: Vidyard’s video creation tools help send high-impact personalized videos to advisors build those crucial relationships with explain complex financial topics in a digestible, their clients. They can record and send engaging way. Videos are ideal for educating personalized videos that stand out in bland clients, providing advice, capturing upsell inboxes, help them secure meetings, and foster opportunities, winning referrals, and a sense of connection. demonstrating the value of the advisor's services. Focus on the right leads. The Challenge: Advisors only have a limited amount of time to spend on acquiring new clients, meaning they need to be selective about who they pursue. The Solution: Vidyard helps advisors focus their efforts on the most engaged prospects by sending a notification when someone watches a video.

[Vidyard] Industry Ebook for Demand Gen - Financial Services - Page 2 [Vidyard] Industry Ebook for Demand Gen - Financial Services Page 1 Page 3