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JOSH GOLDLUST ALIZA MARKS DIRECTOR OF PRODUCT MANAGEMENT CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER SALESFORCE LIVEMESSAGE GETFEEDBACK We’re working with quite a number Companies will differentiate If one company doesn’t deliver Your competitors are standing right of brands that are working their themselves with the right service on their expected service levels, there to snatch those customers way up this digital transformation capabilities. Or, they’ll start to see a customer can just up and leave. up and turn them into their own curve and really taking a look at that not having the right customer The switching costs are just not that loyal customers. It’s about driving the different types of available interactions leads to customer high. We love to tell our customers customer loyalty and mitigating that technologies. The danger of not attrition and drifting further from a quote from Jeff Bezos at Amazon: risk by having the right processes moving down that path is that, as a marketplace trends. “If you make customers unhappy and teams in place to deliver an consumer, I expect it. It’s what I do in the physical world, they might outstanding service experience and how I work with other people, each tell six friends. But if you make every time. on a personal front. And so, if it’s customers unhappy on the internet, not there, I then start to question they can tell 6,000.” the company. Why isn’t it there? 16

12 Experts On Elevating The Customer Experience - Page 16 12 Experts On Elevating The Customer Experience Page 15 Page 17