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INTRODUCTION The need for businesses to connect the front and back offices a plane, from their homes, all without losing productivity. And a has never been greater than it is today. That’s because customer generation that has grown up with the cloud has come to prioritize expectations for a seamless experience have never been higher. these capabilities in their job searches. Your customers, for instance, expect your customer service agents So how do you stay competitive, both with your customers and to have access to all of their information when they call. If agents are employees? Back office AppExchange apps can help. In this slowed down by the need to access tech support on one system, e-book, we’ll share the stories of six AppExchange customers account balance assistance on another, and contract renewal on a that use apps to help connect their IT, accounting, HR, and third, you can bet customers will take their business elsewhere. ERP systems to the front office — delivering the experience their In addition, your employees have come to expect the tools in customers and employees expect and deserve. their workplace to function just as well as the mobile apps they use on a daily basis. Employees who use their phones to manage Meet Appy, your guide to all things AppExchange. She’s in the know about apps and really wants to their finances, order delivery, hail a ride, and communicate with share her knowledge with you. For example, want people around the world crave a similar experience with the apps to know which front and back office apps our customers love? Read on to find out. they use at work. They want to be able to work from the road, from 3

6 Customer Stories Proving Apps Are For Everyone - Page 3 6 Customer Stories Proving Apps Are For Everyone Page 2 Page 4