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The Solution Adyen delivers frictionless payments across online, mobile, and in-store channels. Easily integrate with your point of sale. The Challenge: Ecommerce, payments, and point of Impress shoppers sale each are integral parts of the unified commerce with unified commerce. journey. Customers want a seamless experience across them all, leaving retailers with the difficult task of The Challenge: Adyen’s global study found that implementing solutions across multiple vendors. 67% of shoppers would be more loyal to The Solution: Adyen and Salesforce offer an extensive businesses that allow online purchases to be joint ecosystem and out-of-the-box integrations with returned in-store. Yet, only 23% of surveyed point of sale partners and system integrators, including businesses enable this.1 NewStore, PredictSpring, and Teamwork Commerce, The Solution: Allowing shoppers flexibility to allowing retailers to easily implement Adyen into their browse, purchase, and return how they prefer is current tech stack. key to increasing loyalty. Adyen found a 16% revenue boost for U.S. retailers that connected online and offline payments to enable these 1 essential customer journeys. Worry less with reliable payments infrastructure. The Challenge: Shoppers bristle when store systems lag or crash due to updates or system Take payments issues. Retailers need to be able to scale and anywhere in-store. make updates quickly to avoid customer The Challenge: Long lines and slow registers frustration. are a prime reason shoppers abandon their The Solution: With reliable and carts, and even avoid shopping at certain stores. enterprise-tested infrastructure, Adyen offers The Solution: Kiosks, compact mobile terminals, maximum uptime and offline payments, and and QR code payments (Pay by Link) help bust it boasts processing speed under lines for shoppers in a rush, giving retailers the one second. ability to alleviate the associate experience.

[Adyen]: Industry Ebook - Retail - Page 2 [Adyen]: Industry Ebook - Retail Page 1 Page 3