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The Solution Akeneo enables teams to centralize information, Move to composable move to a composable platform, activate experiences, and enter new markets more easily. commerce. The Challenge: Legacy ecommerce platforms can no longer keep up with growing customer Centralize product expectations for immersive and engaging information. product and customer experiences. The Solution: Composable technologies, like The Challenge: When product information Akeneo, offer a flexible and modular commerce is scattered across dozens of suppliers, solution, eliminating the need for traditional spreadsheets, teams, and tools, customers end front-and-back-end system updates. up with inconsistent and inaccurate information — creating a negative shopping experience. The Solution: With Akeneo, you can manage all your product data and processes in one place. You can share your brand values, manage product variations, and comply with global standards. Activate product experiences. Enter new markets The Challenge: With the ongoing proliferation of marketplaces, having a product experience with agility. (PX) strategy is crucial. This strategy should The Challenge: When moving to a commerce empower the seamless distribution of product suite requires systems integrators to manually information across both owned and unowned gather, cleanse, and re-import product data and channels. content, bad data seeps in — and The Solution: As new retail sites, channels, apps, implementations get delayed. and marketplaces are added to the mix, Akeneo The Solution: Akeneo connectors and apps can distribute high-quality product information across all of them from a central location, provide the functionality required to be fully without having to recreate anything. compatible with Akeneo PIM features, but unlike generic middleware, have the flexibility to meet the unique requirements of your product catalog and ecommerce configuration.

[Akeneo - Retail/Consumer Goods] - Industry Ebook for Demand Gen - Page 2 [Akeneo - Retail/Consumer Goods] - Industry Ebook for Demand Gen Page 1 Page 3