Why develop a B2C Commerce Cartridge What options should I consider for building or a Headless Integration for B2C Commerce? a B2C Commerce solution? Motivated buyers: B2C Commerce customers are motivated to When developing a B2C Commerce solution, partners have the option to hire a Certi昀椀ed Commerce Consulting Partner or build continuously innovate to build pro昀椀table and lasting customer relationships—creating an active, vibrant marketplace for B2C the solution in-house with a B2C Commerce Developer. Commerce ISV partners. Certi昀椀ed Commerce Consulting Partners: Faster time to value: Providing pre-built integrations between If you are interested in working with a consultant to build B2C Commerce ISV partner products and B2C Commerce has your B2C Commerce solution, check out the Certi昀椀ed proven to signi昀椀cantly reduce deployment times, creating more Commerce Consulting Partners on the AppExchange (昀椀lter commerce value and innovation for customers. by B2C Commerce). You can also connect with our internal Easier business justi昀椀cation: Signi昀椀cantly reduce implementation partner teams for recommendations posting to our Partner cycles that often stall investment decisions with pre-built Community Group “O昀케cial: B2C Commerce ISV Partners” integrations. The AppExchange Partner Program makes it easier or requesting a Platform expert consultation. for customers to justify and approve licensing of value-added Note: Details for joining and accessing Partner Community is tools and applications. explained in Section 2). Integration advantage: B2C Commerce ISV partners can o昀昀er In-House Development: di昀昀erentiated and repeatable integrated solutions that expose their tools and applications to a broad market. For partners that choose to have an in-house B2C Commerce Developer build their solution, we recommend your developer get the B2C Commerce Developer certi昀椀cation by passing the Salesforce Certi昀椀ed B2C Commerce Developer exam. The exam consists of questions for developing with Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) and con昀椀guring the B2C Commerce storefront backend. 5 5 BB22CC C COOMMMMEERRCCEE I ISSVV P PAARRTTNNEERR O ONNBBOOAARRDDIINNGG G GUUIIDDEE
B2C Commerce ISV Partner Onboarding Guide Page 4 Page 6