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[Cloud for Good] - Solve It Story

Learn how our partner Cloud for Good was able to help joint customer Crohn's & Colitis Foundation develop an omni-channel approach to fundraising.

Tales of Customer Succes猠⠀ from Our Partner: Solve†⠀ It Stories How Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is creating†⠀ a uni昀椀ed picture of its fundraising with Cloud for Good The Challenge㨀਀ The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is a nonpro昀椀t organization that's dedicated to 昀椀nding cures for†⠀ Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. It uses a federated fundraising model with unique needs across 34 chapters. The foundation needed to establish a solution that achieves organizational objectives by unifying constituent engagement, increasing annual giving, providing local chapters with marketing best practices, and becoming†⠀ a data-昀椀rst organization. Its current technologies couldn’t deliver a uni昀椀ed fundraising experience and limited the organization’s ability to meet its objectives
⁖ Cloud for Good has created The Opportunity㨀਀ Many organizations are challenged to develop†⠀ a transformative impact and a connected data strategy to deeply understand†⠀ has a knowledgeable and their donors and their connection to the†⠀ organization’s outcomes.਀ꨀ experienced team. They have enabled us to improve our work toward our mission How do they .. Create a single source of truth of data and the quality of life of those Use technology to maximize fundraising operational impacted by these diseases. e昀케ciency, saving sta昀昀 valuable hours? Rohit Sur椠⠀ Segment donors to best use the fundraising campaign CTO, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundatio渀਀ budget and reach the right donors every time? Maintain technology excellence after the implementation ends਀䤀 The foundation needed an omni-channel approach to fundraising that delivered a solution that could scale with its growth.

Tales of Customer Succes猠⠀ from Our Partner: Solve†⠀ It Stories The Successful Outcome㨀਀ Cloud for Good and the foundation achieved the technology transformation through a multiphased approach. This began with a transition to Marketing Cloud to help show the impact that the Salesforce platform could have for the organization, followed by a full migration to Salesforce CRM. To extend the foundation’s desire to become a data-昀椀rst organization, a full AWS data warehouse and interoperability strategy was leveraged by Cloud for Good, allowing for the normalization of the historical data to be used in fundraising campaign segmentation. The continued success of the foundation's fundraising will always be a priority. With a combination of Marketing Cloud and Cloud for Good's Direct Response Services, the foundation is able to utilize a single source of data to hyper-segment its prospects for targeted, personalized, omnichannel campaigns over email, text messaging, telemarketing, and direct mail⸀਀ This has resulted in: % Data-backed 3㐀਀ 13 decisions chapter locations increase with a trusted, single source of with increased operational in fundraising revenue and 11% data across CRM, marketing, efficiency and a consistent brand increase in average gift size through and historical data experience across marketing direct response services Considerations for nonpro昀椀t customers planning†⠀ a technology transformation De昀椀ne your technology roadmap, and embrace a phased approac Assign a product owner internally to own decisions and liaise internally with business unit Make your team available for valuable conversations in discovery, and encourage open, honest communication with your implementation partne Set clear goals, and measure your succes Make your implementation fun, and remember you aren’t in this alone Learn more about Cloud for Good Learn more on AppExchange.