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Make a big impact with booths and sessions. Before you go, make sure you think through what your goals are for the event. Goal Setting Booth • Non-booth attendees — these could be your key sales reps for an It’s important to have a clear goal for the event and an BEFORE THE EVENT industry (if the event is industry specific), your sales leader, or your understanding of what success looks like. Success could be partner marketing/partner lead. They can help fill booth spots but many things, but below are a few areas to explore: Plan for a Successful Sponsorship also should be free to join customer/prospect sessions, attend • Brand awareness — you want to get your name out there and Your booth is your official home for the event and is the preset meetings, and network. show Salesforce (or whoever the host is) that you are invested visual representation of your company and your brand. Create Create a Schedule in the partnerships. visuals that grab attention and people who are friendly and able Create a booth schedule so everyone knows where to be and when. • Leads — ideally your investment in a booth or in sending reps to speak to your value proposition. More details below on each. Ensure your team knows to get there early and give yourself plenty to an event results in leads for prospects that fall within your Choose Your Staff of time to check in, get through security, pick up any scanners, and target market (right buyers, right industry, right use cases). Staff your booth with polished, professional, and friendly set up your booth before the event floor is open to the general • Relationship building — you want to meet with important (approachable) people who are passionate about your company, public. prospects, customers, or partners. Having all of these people products, and services and not afraid to make conversation with Prepare Your Team in one place at one time makes it easier to have many quick strangers. Ideally you will have the below in your lineup: You should plan to host one or more prep meetings with your entire conversations face to face. • Someone to demo — an SE or product manager is great event team prior to the event to get everyone up to speed on the • Deal acceleration — do you have significant opportunities in your here. Someone who can show a value-based demo on the fly goals, messaging, and expectations. Consider going over items like: sales pipeline that have contacts attending the event? to any prospect or partner. Depending on the size of the event, • Overview of the event and prospectus information — how many This is a great opportunity to meet with buying committee consider two in this role to allow for breaks and multiple demo people, roles, industries, and personas you can expect. members and demonstrate your value. conversations at once. • 1–2 crowd pullers — just like it sounds, these folks stand at • Preferred hotel and travel arrangements. Content Review the front of your booth and pull people in. They are your most One of your goals for the event is most likely brand awareness. friendly and approachable people who have the value Before you go, ensure collateral and your AppExchange listing proposition nailed down. Marketing and SDRs are usually is up to date. Post-event, prospects, partners, and Salesforce great in this role. employees you connected with are likely to look more closely at your company. Put your best foot forward by taking time a month before the event to make sure your solution sheets and listing are refreshed. How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Make a big impact with booths and sessions. 2

How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events - Page 2 How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Page 1 Page 3