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• Event goals — include scan goals, brand awareness goals, with a readable and understandable message that makes it easy • This serves as a reminder to your prospects and customers about meetings goals, and more. for someone to get what you do in a matter of seconds (and your application/integration/partnership • Clothing/uniform for the event (black pants and a branded shirt while they’re walking). If you don’t have a strong in-house design • Even if the contact is not attending the event, this opens are always easy) — ask your team members to bring a mask as team, hire professionals. If you have participated in AMP an opportunity for them to set up a meeting outside of the well and have it handy to match the comfort level of your visitors. promotions that include content, these are great assets to use. conference • Booth overview — what is the message, what does it look like, Clear Messaging • It gives you an opportunity to know what sort of interest there where are you located, what are you giving away and to who? Answer “what we do” clearly and simply (less text is better) before is in meeting with the team before the event so you can plan • Messaging talk track. anything else. Your most important messages should be above accordingly. Does one sales rep have more customers going than people’s heads and should be able to be read and understood others? Send them as part of your event team. • Demo talk track. while walking past your booth in a crowd. Avoid large structures • The email should promote your booth number, what you plan • Create a plan of attack for different visitors — what to do with close to the perimeter. to show/demonstrate (is there something new, or exciting upset customers wanting support, a hot prospect looking for Prioritize Demos launching?), and if there are any giveaways or incentives to visiting immediate help, a customer/prospect looking for someone Nothing sells your solution like seeing it in action. The goal the booth — think swag, drawings, etc. specific, a key partner contact visits, etc. of anyone pulling people into your booth should be to • Social media plan — do you want the team to share from their • Expectations — arrive on time, be well rested, keep the booth get that person interested enough to engage in a demo. account, share photos with the corporate social lead, etc. Create clean, stay until this time, etc. a plan for your onsite team and have a team back home ready to • Emergency plan — what happens in case of an emergency? Promote Your Attendance post, share, and assist in promotion. If you’ve invested in a booth, it will benefit you to use this as • Create a WhatsApp or Slack group for the team going to easily a chance to promote to your customers, prospects, and partners DURING THE EVENT communicate things like travel, schedules, issues, key visitors to about your investment. Not just your financial investment but Show up early, plan on staying late, and wear those comfortable the booth. your partnership investment. shoes. Preparing and Designing Your Booth • Send an email (or two) to all customers and prospects Booth Set Up announcing your sponsorship and attendance at the event. Ask if Make sure you have a team or at least one main person who is in Catch Their Eye with Strong Visuals they are attending and offer up personal demos/meetings. charge of setting up the booth before the doors open. This should • You have 10 seconds to grab attendees’ attention. include: Create a bold, inviting, interactive experience. Avoid white-only • Pick up scanner. backgrounds and colors that clash. Ensure your messaging is clear and that it is obvious to someone passing by your booth • Set up a basket of goodies for the team (in a cabinet/tucked what you do. away) — this should include mints, hand sanitizer, granola bars, • Understand the space you have to create your message on your bandages, Advil, etc. booth. Space is limited so make sure you have a design that pops • Set up swag/giveaways. How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Make a big impact with booths and sessions. 3

How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events - Page 3 How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Page 2 Page 4