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Industry Insider - SharinPix [Manufacturing]

Here’s how SharinPix helps construction dispatchers Manufacturing communicate with teams in the 昀椀eld. Industry Insider Easily Engage with Contractor猀਀ Communicate with external contractors by sending links via text, WhatsApp, or agenda entries, and automatically collecting responses into Salesforce.ഀ਀ Guide Your Team ਀ Keep external contractors up to speed by sharing instructions which may include steps where you need photos to be taken, 昀氀oor plans to be 昀椀lled,†⠀ or forms to be signed. Collect Job Documentatio渀਀ Ensure contractors have achieved everything†⠀ as expected with end-of-job checklists†⠀ See how our partner SharinPix improves collaboration to complete and forms to 昀椀ll. with contractors and other external partners in†⠀ the construction industry. From job assignment to†⠀ feedback management, the SharinPix†⠀ Manage Appropriate Follow Up猀਀ Inspection App has you covered. Use generative AI-powered summaries to learn what went on during the job, determine if further With SharinPix, it’s easier than ever to manage your 昀椀eld team action needs to be taken, and automatically†⠀ and gather onsite information, feedback, and more. assign follow-up actions. SharinPix helps you gather job documentatio渠⠀ from contractors, whether or not they have†⠀ direct access to your Salesforce.

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