The Solution SharinPix helps you meet all your construction 昀椀eld management needs in Salesforce. Communicate†⠀ performance standards. The Challenge: Contractors need to complete work†⠀ according to your company’s methods and standards, but it can be di昀케cult to communicate all this information.ഀ Manage all your contractor猠⠀ The Solution: SharinPix automatically sends all contractors — even those without†⠀ contextual instructions from Salesforce, delivered as SMS, WhatsApp, or agenda entries, so that everyone is on the Salesforce access. same page. The Challenge: Construction companies often work†⠀ with many external contractors on a job-by-job basis, and†⠀ it can be challenging to track who has accepted each job.ഀ The Solution: SharinPix lets you contact contractors automatically via SMS, WhatsApp, or their digital calendars. When a contractor responds to accept the job, it’s automatically tracked in Salesforce. Automate the execution†⠀ of appropriate follow-ups The Challenge: Making sense of contractor notes and†⠀ Standardize and collect†⠀ 昀椀guring out the necessary follow-up actions post-job is†⠀ a time-consuming process, especially when managing†⠀ job documentation. the projects of multiple contractors.ഀ The Challenge: Construction companies require external contractors to collect speci昀椀c information about the job,†⠀ The Solution: SharinPix helps you learn, via generative†⠀ such as proof that work was completed or an issue was AI-powered summaries, what went on during the job†⠀ recorded correctly.ഀ and if further action needs to be taken. From there, SharinPix automatically assigns follow-up actions†⠀ The Solution: SharinPix sends contractors clickable action to the right stakeholders. items to automatically capture end-of-job information, including photos, signatures, or dynamic surveys. The information is uploaded to Salesforce, even if the contractor is o昀툀ine and isn’t one of your Salesforce users.
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