SharinPix solves Maesyn’sഀ The Scenario challenges by helping her to:ഀ In this example, let’s imagine how a construction dispatcher can use SharinPix to help contractors successfully complete their jobs. Work with contractors who do not have Salesforce access. ഀ Maesyn can use SharinPix to connect with more contractors via What's App, text messaging, and agenda entries to assign jobs, drive speci昀椀c actions, and gather information. All correspondence is integrated by the app into Salesforce.ഀ Drive contractors to document each job, as Maesyn Bookerഀ she needs it. ഀ Construction Dispatcherഀ With SharinPix, Maesyn can standardize all the information external contractors need to collect†⠀ from the 昀椀eld to uphold quality and reputation. Maesyn is in charge of assigning installation, repair, or construction jobs Collect rich visual information as part of†⠀ to independent contractors as the job documentation. ഀ e昀케ciently as possible. Her Goal Her Challenge Maesyn can enrich job documentation by requesting categorized photos, scanned documents, end-of-job Finding and contacting Not duplicating Salesforce contractors for†⠀ data or using outside forms with signature, room plan scans, and sketches. speci昀椀c jobs. communication channels Visual information is easy to upload through Ensuring each job†⠀ Keeping track of what has SharinPix, saving contractors time in the 昀椀eld. is completed†⠀ been done in the 昀椀eld. up to standards. Ensuring she has Getting as much detailed captured all the job information from the†⠀ details she needs,†⠀ 昀椀eld as possible. when she needs them.ഀ Learn more about SharinPix
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