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The Solution Medallia helps companies take action on feedback by capturing, analyzing, and routing 100% of experience signals across customer interactions, Streamline operations. including voice, video, digital, surveys, IoT, social, The Challenge: Supply chain ops are and more. extremely complex and operations teams often lack visibility. There are many individuals who touch an account in disparate ways. The Solution: Medallia breaks down Grow revenue and organizational silos by turning customer insights into prioritized and meaningful retain customers. actions. The right teams are notified in The Challenge: Manufacturers are frequently real time to improve the experience of siloed and rarely have visibility across the your customers, distributers, organization. Account managers struggle to get and employees. a comprehensive view of the experience. The Solution: Medallia’s AI capabilities route actions directly to sales and account teams on potential upsell opportunities and churn risks to do immediate follow-up with customers. Increase digital support effectiveness. The Challenge: A high percentage of calls to customer support start with failed Develop engaged and digital experiences. empowered employees. The Solution: By understanding 100% of The Challenge: Employee turnover in support customer interactions across digital and contact organizations is notoriously high and costly. center, Medallia can identify ways to reduce The Solution: Keep recruiting and training costs contact center calls, identify self-service low by retaining your best talent. Understand opportunities, and reduce friction points. their experience at your organization, innovate on their ideas to drive the business forward, and give them the tool set they need to do their job well.

Medallia Industry EBook [ Manufacturing and Automotive) - Page 2 Medallia Industry EBook [ Manufacturing and Automotive) Page 1 Page 3