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The Scenario Medallia solves Josh’s In this example, let’s imagine how an challenges by: account manager uses Medallia to keep his Providing clear visibility into the account base. accounts happy and increase their spend. Now Josh always has a pulse on account sentiment. He can prioritize which accounts across his portfolio he needs to focus on at any given moment and is no longer blindsided by arising issues. Flagging at-risk customers in realtime. With Medallia, Josh knows right away if there are competitive pressures or breakdowns in any part of the business, from fulfillment to support, so he can retain his customers. Identifying and acting on cross-sell and upsell opportunities. Josh With Medallia’s proprietary AI, feedback becomes a path to finding net new opportunities within accounts. Account Manager With a small pilot group of just 200 salespeople and in He frequently gets blindsided less than one year, Josh’s company closed 2,300 new deals by what is happening with his His Goals: His Challenges: that amounted to more than $62 million in net new accounts because he only revenue by driving action on feedback. • Increase visibility so he can better • Visibility is lacking into all the interacts with one or two prioritize across all of his accounts individuals who are impacted by Creating an engaging work environment. contacts at an account. • Retain his current accounts and or influence buying decisions By empowering him with the tools and information he He doesn’t have a full picture increase their spend • Digital channels can have multiple needs to do his job, Josh happily stays at the company of what is happening in other • Quickly identify upsell and cross- internal owners, leading to missed sell opportunities issue resolution longer. He appreciates how easy it is now to find departments such as fulfillment, • Siloed departments don’t share opportunities, build customer relationships, and drive support, engineering, and other information quickly enough the business forward. business units. • Lack of effective self-service channels causes customers to reach out to customer support Learn more about Medallia and field service

Medallia Industry EBook [ Manufacturing and Automotive) - Page 3 Medallia Industry EBook [ Manufacturing and Automotive) Page 2