Q: Why am I getting A: Invoices are issued to partners for each individual order multiple invoices? submitted. Partners do have the option of submitting a case to consolidate all invoices over the course of the month into a monthly account statement. Q: What are derived A: Derived priced products are products where the price product fees? How are is calculated as a percent of a contributing license. Examples include sandboxes and platform encryption. these calculated? Derived product fees are calculated by multiplying any sales to your end customer by a predetermined percentage. These fees will be populated on your standard monthly invoices. Q: Where can I find additional A: You can refer to the Channel Order Application documentation around the page at p.force.com/coa for additional enablement documentation, including our COA FAQ. The ISVForce COA and partner experience? Guide is another resource that outlines the COA set up process and more. You can also find lots of useful COA documentation by searching within the Help section of the Trailblazer Community at https://trailblazer.salesforce.com/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 24

Partner Field Guide: Become a COA Champion - Page 24 Partner Field Guide: Become a COA Champion Page 23 Page 25