Q: How can I provide my tax A: It is important to note that tax exemptions are only exemption documentation? applicable for partners based in the United States. Partners who are eligible to submit a tax exemption certificate must do so by logging a case via the Partner Community here using the subtopic “Sales Tax Inquiry.” Please provide appropriate tax exempt certification along with other relevant documentation when submitting your case. Q: Why are my monthly bills A: It’s possible certain recurring monthly charges you are different values? anticipating from Salesforce may change in value from month to month. These rates are calculated by how many days are in each particular month rather than calculated on a flat rate divided evenly across each month. All predetermined annual rates will eventually equal the agreed upon fee at the end of the 12 month billing period. For example, partners would be charged different rates between February (28 days), March (31 days), and April (30 days). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 23

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