m|ployee is the solution for the staffing and professional services industry on the Precursive helps forward-thinking companies to see success faster. Founded in 2011 Salesforce platform. You can implement m|ployee stand-alone or as an add-on to and headquartered in London, the app is 100% native to Salesforce and enables one of the Salesforce Clouds, manage candidates, time, contracts, finance and talent growth through improved customer onboarding and capacity planning. Precursive all in one place. One Single Point of Truth and 100% control of time and resources. serves both mid-market businesses and large enterprises in business services as well Your flows, your processes, your business. as comms, media, and high tech sectors. Learn More > Learn More > Mysolution recruitment is a recruitment solution built on the Salesforce StrataVAR solutions address two critical pain points for high-tech (ICT) resellers: platform. It provides extensive Applicant Tracking System(ATS) functionality for quoting complex enterprise deals and managing contract/subscription renewals. recruitment including CV parsing, matching, application processes. It also provides StrataVAR is a multi-vendor, multi-channel, multi-currency solution optimised for ICT mid-office functionality for employment contracts and document generation VARs, and implemented as a native force.com (http://force.com/) app. StrataVAR and signing. It is seamlessly integrated with standard Salesforce CRM, service and PsW supports the end-to-end cycle of maintenance contracts and subscription marketing functionalities. renewals typically composed of 100,000 items. Learn More > Learn More > NovumIP Platform Solutions is smart software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology Bullhorn Workforce Management (formerly Sirenum) helps organisations transform designed specifically to help patent owners to maximise the potential of their patent their business operations by streamlining the management of their shift workers, data. The ability to gather, organise, analyse and communicate patent data in a saving costs, reducing risk, and increasing revenue. Our Salesforce-native software meaningful way can mean competitive advantage, speed-to-market, more accurate enables management to save valuable time in scheduling shifts, managing budgeting, protection of your R&D efforts, and a means to demonstrate the impact compliance, monitoring staff, and processing payroll. IP makes to the bottom line. Learn More > Learn More > EMEA ISV Industry Booklet — Professional Services 5