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SOLVE IT STORIES TALES OF CUSTOMER SUCCESS FROM OUR PARTNERS THE SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME With the implementation of Highspot, Hootsuite sales reps are now empowered by learning from the day they onboard through each subsequent deal, making them more effective than ever at selling. • Hootsuite was able to organize its onboarding content, reps not only quickly found the right assets via dynamic, comprehensive hubs using assets, but also had guidance on how to use them Highspot SmartPages™. These hubs contained effectively. guided learning with role-specific experiences that • Hootsuite’s sales enablement team used the made training easier to find and consume, so reps strong correlation between Highspot usage and began to engage with content more. This content performance to help sales leaders predict which consumption directly impacted performance. Soon reps would struggle based on how often they used the most engaged Highspot users among newly Highspot and accessed the training and selling ramped hires were performing the same or better materials. This gave sales leadership enough than tenured peers with 1 to 3 more years of information to effectively experience. allocate time and resources • Similarly, this just-in-time training created the and ensured struggling reps immersive learning experience that reps needed to got the coaching they needed Highspot allows us to easily keep knowledge close at hand and close deals. By to improve. analyze content and rep activity using Highspot to provide micro-training alongside so we can continually learn, improve, and grow revenue. THIS HAS RESULTED IN ... Shamis Thomson · 70% more revenue closed by most-active Highspot users GLOBAL MANAGER, SALES ENABLEMENT, HOOTSUITE · 5x more Highspot usage by top performers · 93% of reps using Highspot daily By integrating Highspot with Salesforce to bring self-guided learning modules and focused content right into its CRM, Hootsuite can now drive revenue via its organized knowledge hub that offers sales reps ongoing training. CONSIDERATIONS FOR CUSTOMERS · To be effective, leaders need to think holistically about how they drive their sales enablement strategy. Specifically, they should critically examine how they manage content, guide sellers, onboard and train, coach reps, engage customers, and use analytics to optimize and replicate. Learn more about Highspot for Salesforce on AppExchange.

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