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Solve It Stories - Highspot

SOLVE IT STORIES TALES OF CUSTOMER SUCCESS FROM OUR PARTNERS How Highspot helped Hootsuite achieve a 70% increase in revenue from its most active users. THE CHALLENGE Hootsuite is a platform that was created to help people build enduring brands by connecting them on social media. It prides itself Shortening our ramp-to-revenue was on building strong internal cultures, uncovering emotionally rich our number one priority. But efficient consumer insights, and unifying the customer experience across onboarding was impossible without an channels and departments to guide organizations to social success. organized knowledge hub, let alone As Hootsuite scaled rapidly, its sales leaders and enablement teams ongoing training. We needed a solution were put under pressure to boost new seller productivity in addition that could support onboarding and to improving their current rep performance. As the company grew, continuous training within reps’ daily the challenge of achieving both became its top priority, and it experience. Highspot was that solution. needed a technical solution to help solve the problem of achieving Liam Surridge faster seller success. VICE PRESIDENT GLOBAL THE OPPORTUNITY COMMERCIAL SALES, HOOTSUITE Businesses often need a way to boost performance for both incoming and tenured sales reps. HOW DO THEY ... · Provide reps with engaging selling resources and ongoing training content to shorten the ramp-to-revenue period? · Design role-specific learning paths that allow reps to access the right resources and learning experiences at the ideal point in their onboarding experience? · Help sales leaders identify struggling sellers and intervene before a lack of coaching hinders performance? In the case of Hootsuite, it needed a solution that could shorten ramp-to-revenue time and support onboarding and continuous training within reps’ daily experience. Highspot was that solution.

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