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NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE FormAssembly SPRING 2023 THREE WAYS Data leaders know that it can take years to Data Stewardship earn your customers’ trust but only a moment “Digital PROTECTS YOUR ORGANIZATION to lose it. In fact, in its recent report, Data Collection & Security,” FormAssembly found that nearly two-thirds of the CIOs, CISOs, and data security leaders surveyed are concerned about data privacy, security, and compliance in the data collection process. Their concern is justified. Suffering a data breach or being in regulatory noncompliance not only puts your organization at risk, it could negatively impact your customer relationships for years to come. The answer to these concerns starts with being a good steward of the data you collect. Data stewardship encompasses best Promotes Ethical Maintains practices concerning the collection, use, and Data Collection Improves Data Security Regulatory Compliance confidentiality of personal information. Good Being a good data steward requires a proactive data stewardship requires a comprehensive Data stewardship starts at the point of collection. Effective data stewardship calls for compliance Your customers should have a clear understanding approach to data security. From privacy policies with all relevant data security and privacy laws approach to fairness, transparency, and of what data you’re collecting, how you intend to and procedures to security audits and team and regulations. These laws and regulations relevancy in data collection practices, in use it, and how long you’ll keep it before they give training, security is woven into every core tenet are constantly evolving and updating, so your addition to adherence to robust legal and you their information. You should also limit the of data stewardship. Prioritizing data security can organization must stay informed. Like security, security requirements. It should guide your data you collect strictly to that which is relevant include minimizing data access to only individuals compliance also starts at the point of collection, data policies and procedures to help reduce to the service you provide. By implementing who need it to do their jobs, collecting only so you must be sure that all forms meet your these policies, you’ll be able to help prevent the necessary data and getting rid of it when it is no compliance requirements. security risks while adhering to data privacy misuse of data, the violation of privacy laws, and longer needed, and partnering with vendors who regulations. the wasting of time, money, and storage space maintain robust security practices. Our partner FormAssembly, an enterprise collecting the wrong type of data. form platform that helps organizations streamline their data collection processes, teaches us how investing in data stewardship can help protect your company. P rioritizing da ta st ew ar dship a t e v ery st ep o f the da ta journe y helps pr o t ect y our bu siness and y our c u st omers. Learn more about FormAssembly on AppExchange.

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