INNOVATIONG THE EXCHANGE With Labs Winter 2024 Simplify creation of reactive screen 昀氀ows. Want to build dynamic screen 昀氀ows without the single-screened components can respond based on hassle? We have just the solution. Data Fetcher is here input from other components without ever leaving to revolutionize the way you build your screen 昀氀ows the screen. This opens up the opportunity to allow forever. This Labs o昀昀ering allows you to dynamically your end users to interact with record queries in one retrieve Salesforce records on a 昀氀ow screen using 4 simpli昀椀ed, uni昀椀ed experience. SOQL based on user input. In this digital age, users Add reactivity to guided work昀氀ows. expect a dynamic, tailored UX to their forms. With Free AppExchange Reactive Components (Beta) for screen 昀氀ows, your Extract key insights from customer Hacks to conversations with Einstein Voice Connectors. identi昀椀es competitor Get the most out of your customer conversations with mentions, and promts pricing Einstein Conversation insights. This AppExchange discussions for your sales Supercharge your o昀昀ering extracts key insights from your sales calls, agent’s reference. and equips sales and service managers with valuable information to drive deals forward. This powerful Get the most out o昀琀 your customer conversations. Workflows solution automatically generates call transcripts, Optimize your sales territories with automated territory assessment. AppExchange is full of solutions that can give your Sales is the lifeblood to your organization‘s success. projections for your territories based on maximizing team’s productivity a boost, and simplify some Improve your sales projections with a detailed analysis territory balance, account continuity, and geographic of your current territories. Your territories are only as compatibility. of the more challenging, time-consuming tasks. good as your ability to serve them, and this app can Improve your sales projections. Salesforce Labs is a great place to start if you’re support you in understanding territory imbalance. With the Territory Health Assessment app, you can see looking for some quick, free solutions to enhance your current procedures. Extend your dynamic forms. Here are the top newest, free apps from This solution can elevate your dynamic forms to and features, such as the ability to add HTML snippets Salesforce Labs that can optimize your a whole new level by bringing them to Experience to forms, build client-side validation, build surveys and Cloud. Extreme Dynamic Forms is fully compatible wizards using 昀氀ows, and more. Plus, it allows for quick business processes. with Experience Cloud, and uses a client-side con昀椀guration from page setup, so you can debug and decision engine that can compile and evaluate any customize with ease. con昀椀gured Boolean expression to show and hide 昀椀elds. Elevate your dynamic forms. This solution equips you with a variety of di昀昀erent tools Salesforce Labs is always bringing new innovation to AppExchange. To stay updated on its newest solutions, follow @AppExchange on X and keep an eye on the hashtag #Salesforcelabs. 9

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