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The Aha Moment Salesforce’s reputation and reliability to create confidence Sean Hoban’s aha moment was more of a realization that grew in enterprise customers to buy Kimble, even when we were over the years of being in the professional services industry. much smaller.” He became increasingly frustrated with the software he was using that was built by accounting software vendors who were Learning From the Journey unaware of the problems professional services organizations Sean tells people that making mistakes is okay, as long as were facing. Sean knew exactly where the software needed to you learn from it. He has learned that if you disagree with improve. He says, “They focused on the problem of speeding someone’s decision, you should first ask them why they came up the production of historic data and putting it in one place. to that conclusion. Sean says, “They might just have some But the secret to really moving the needle in a successful information that you weren’t aware of that influenced them professional services organization is about gaining as much to make that decision.” insight into the future as possible.” From his own personal experience in the professional services industry, Sean was certain that predictive analytics would be a game changer to help guide future decisions. Fast forward 10 years, Kimble serves over 300 customers, and Sean’s early vision is now his everyday reality. The Secret to Scaling “By selecting Salesforce at the start of our journey as our development platform, enough of the technical infrastructure components were taken care of, and we were able to launch six months ahead of schedule,” says Sean. Building on the Salesforce Platform created efficiencies enabling Kimble to start making money at the onset of the venture, rather than having to raise money. Throughout its journey, Kimble has been able to scale alongside Salesforce. “We’ve been able to leverage 21

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