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How Dell Boomi Helped: Dell Boomi helped GBT connect cloud platforms to better exchange information. For instance, “ With Dell Boomi, we’ve been able to accomplish everything we set out to do. the company needed to move HR data into Salesforce, Coupa, They’re a strong partner, always willing to listen, and regularly meet with us to NetSuite, and others, and used Dell Boomi to centrally manage provide roadmap updates. They’re eager participants in our journey.” those integrations. – PRASANT PANICKER Integrating platforms and data provided a seamless experience ENGINEERING DIRECTOR OF GBT ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING for end users — for example, out-of-pocket expense reports that needed to go to payroll are now handled through Dell Boomi. The Results: Easily met aggressive time-to-market goals Utilized local technical talent to implement Removed dependency on external vendors Brought work internally to reduce costs Promoted employees initially brought in to work with Dell Boomi to other roles FIND OUT MORE ABOUT DELL BOOMI > 8

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