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[Cloud for Good] - Solve It Story

Learn how our partner Cloud for Good was able to help joint customer Crohn's & Colitis Foundation develop an omni-channel approach to fundraising.

Tales of Customer Succes猠⠀ from Our Partner: Solve†⠀ It Stories How Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is creating†⠀ a uni昀椀ed picture of its fundraising with Cloud for Good The Challenge㨀਀ The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is a nonpro昀椀t organization that's dedicated to 昀椀nding cures for†⠀ Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. It uses a federated fundraising model with unique needs across 34 chapters. The foundation needed to establish a solution that achieves organizational objectives by unifying constituent engagement, increasing annual giving, providing local chapters with marketing best practices, and becoming†⠀ a data-昀椀rst organization. Its current technologies couldn’t deliver a uni昀椀ed fundraising experience and limited the organization’s ability to meet its objectives
⁖ Cloud for Good has created The Opportunity㨀਀ Many organizations are challenged to develop†⠀ a transformative impact and a connected data strategy to deeply understand†⠀ has a knowledgeable and their donors and their connection to the†⠀ organization’s outcomes.਀ꨀ experienced team. They have enabled us to improve our work toward our mission How do they .. Create a single source of truth of data and the quality of life of those Use technology to maximize fundraising operational impacted by these diseases. e昀케ciency, saving sta昀昀 valuable hours? Rohit Sur椠⠀ Segment donors to best use the fundraising campaign CTO, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundatio渀਀ budget and reach the right donors every time? Maintain technology excellence after the implementation ends਀䤀 The foundation needed an omni-channel approach to fundraising that delivered a solution that could scale with its growth.

[Cloud for Good] - Solve It Story Page 2