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you can clearly see both your success and fail points. From there, optimize your offering and messaging based on actual data from your target demographic, while building your playbook for growth. Reach Further with Salesforce Find and Fill the Cracks As anyone in business can tell you, your network is When you look at how your customers are moving through the everything. Salesforce’s brand recognition and the power funnel, don’t neglect to keep an eye on what’s falling through the of the leading SaaS marketplace — with more than seven cracks. What happens between a lead hand-off and a salesperson’s million installs to date — means bigger opportunity first call? The closing of a deal and customer success? When you’re for partners to reach potential customers, including starting to grow your team, consider blended roles as a potential international expansion and exposure to Fortune 500 answer to reduce bumps in your processes. While not a one-size- companies. Access to the entire Salesforce ecosystem fits-all approach, it may be worth experimenting when you are still early stage. uniquely helps partners grow their businesses while contributing robust solutions for all Salesforce customers Don’t Let Your Eyes Be Bigger than Your Stomach to use. AppExchange partners gain access to 150,000 Spend the time to understand the selling motion of the segment customers in 100+ countries, and 88% of Salesforce you are going after including expectations, decision-making, and customer orgs have AppExchange apps installed. Also, purchasing processes. Then, think about what kind of deals you can reduced development and delivery time along with support. You might not be ready for huge deals. Plant the seed and access to cost-effective quality leads means partners can grow it when you identify a successful pattern. increase profits rapidly. “Being able to say we’re built within Salesforce 88% 150,000 has definitely helped us punch above our weight customers in of Salesforce 100+ countries customer orgs and close big deals in financial services and have AppExchange other security-conciscous verticals.” apps installed David Bloom, CEO & Founder, LevelJump How it Starts: Finding Success in the Ecosystem as a Startup 8

Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup - Page 8 Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup Page 7 Page 9