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Selling as a Startup 02 There’s a lot of research around how and why startups fail. At the core, startups fail because they lack customers, not funding. Despite how perfectly designed and developed the product or service is, it’s useless if no one wants it, or if you can’t sell it. “The biggest challenge of creating my startup was finding a problem to solve that people really care about, then getting people to believe you solve it.” Matt Bullock, CEO & Founder, Spinify Three ways to build your playbook for growth and thrive in today’s sales climate are to invest in data, fill the cracks, and tackle only what you can digest. Invest in Data Beyond providing the basic sales insights every founder or salesperson needs, collecting relevant customer data will help you understand your early customers and experiment with them until How it Starts: Finding Success in the Ecosystem as a Startup 77

Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup - Page 7 Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup Page 6 Page 8