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Entrepreneur Insights What benefits have you seen selling with Salesforce? “Not only does Salesforce have 2x of the CRM market of its nearest “Our sales and marketing strategies are very aligned with competitor, equality is one of its core values. When we launched Salesforce. There are also so many benefits we have as an ISV the first gender equity app on AppExchange, we coupled the power partner—dedicated Partner Manager, Technical Engineer, early of Pipeline with the influence and reach of Salesforce.” access to quarterly releases, access to marketing programs, app and listing analytics, access to beta features and products, and of course the partner community. Not to mention that Katica Roy, 70% of our leads are generated from AppExchange which has CEO & Founder, a huge impact on our sales cycle.” Pipeline Equity Jennifer Mercer, CEO, “Salesforce means a healthy partner ecosystem with great Metazoa partner support, branding visibility, and similar strategies and views on industries and opportunities, like health engagement.” Anthony Diaz, CEO & Founder, Health Hero How it Starts: Finding Success in the Ecosystem as a Startup 999

Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup - Page 9 Finding Success in The Ecosystem As A Startup Page 8 Page 10