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Spruce Up Your Listing DURING THE EVENT Marketing Your AppExchange listing is a channel. Update your graphics Invite AEs and SEs BEFORE THE EVENT and text to highlight your event news and presence. If you have strong working relationships with a Salesforce AE/SE, ask if they would join a dinner, event, or a meeting scheduled at Define Goals and Set Metrics Look Your Best your booth. For example, your focus could be products and services, Hire professionals for event materials and communications if you partnerships, customer appreciation, or lead maturation. It’s also don’t have a strong in-house design team. Share That VIP Feeling a good idea to refresh and clean your email lists at this stage. Invite customers and prospects to attend a keynote, inspirational Stay Up to Date speaking session, or live music event to build relationships around Make a Plan Follow Salesforce news so you can align your message (following cornerstone-planned event activities. Finding time is hard and Plan activities (e.g., blogging) by channel (e.g., Medium, your influencers on social media is part of this). Be aware of what your areas around the event space are often crowded, so don’t count website) for pre-, during, and post-marketing activity. Create a clear competitors are saying. Always make sure you are in compliance on being able to sit down for coffee. Make a plan and designate theme, design, and message for each stage and audience. These with AppExchange’s brand guidelines. a space to connect. themes should dictate all elements of your campaigns. PR Tips AFTER THE EVENT Define the Customer Journey If you are planning any PR activity, review the partner PR guidelines. Create Salesforce campaigns and lead routing rules ahead of time. Always lead with customer stories or product announcements. Follow Up Assign scanned leads into a nurture journey that aligns with the You will be one of many partners at the event, so make sure your respective event experience. Webinars, ABM, and deal acceleration Keep People Engaged follow-up messaging clearly ties to the experience attendees had events can and should be part of your post-event strategy. Run paid media and/or paid search campaigns before, during, with you. Plan a personalized message that includes any promised and after to stay engaged with visitors to your website or folks follow-up items like demo videos, content, or introductions. Craft Your Message that search for your company. Leads from content Be very thoughtful about your message. It should syndication are also good to nurture Decompress Together be differentiated, and customer stories should for events. The last day can be a great time to network. Get your be inspirational. team together to go review leads in a casual environment. DURING THE EVENT And remember to celebrate your success. Book the Fun Stuff While your alliances team is setting Call-to-Action Options Track Your Success meetings and securing space to have those If a prospect is interested, but Take time for a team review of the event. Take notes on what conversations, it’s also a good idea to book isn’t able to meet at the event, have worked, where you can improve, and what actions you can take and make reservations for other meals or a second call to action. Customer to prepare for the next event. Ensure all leads are in a campaign ancillary events (happy hours, keynote viewings, stories should be used whenever you can track and that you measure your goals vs. the reality of etc.) you would like to host for customers during possible in all marketing, and could the event. the event timeline. be especially effective here. How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Connect with prospects and customers outside of the expo. 7

How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events - Page 7 How to Make the Most of Salesforce Events Page 6 Page 8